Sunday, December 26, 2010

I'm Dreaming....

I love Christmas.  Let me say that again.  I love Christmas.  I love the smells, the tastes, the songs, the cookies.  I love Christmas trees and Christmas presents.  I love wrapping gifts with the expensive ribbon because even the least expensive thing seems better when wrapped with a lovely, poufey bow.  I love the Manger Scene, and Baby Jesus.... I love that we have a Jesse Tree and we faithfully place the ornaments (or the children do!) each day from December 1, onward.  I love Christmas lights - a reminder of the Light of the World who came to be WITH US here. 

This Christmas was full of love, handcrafted gifts, and numerous gift certificates!  I think my favorite gift given at our house was a regifted, previously falling apart diary that my first princess lovingly repaired and then passed along with care to the second princess.  The second princess (unbeknownst to us) had been secretly longing for her own diary.  She unwrapped the diary, said with big breathy words,"Oh are you sure you want ME to have THIS?" then looked into her loving sister's eyes, they both smiled, and a warm and extended embrace was shared.  *sigh* It warmed the cockles of my heart. 

This was also the Christmas of LEGOS!  Thanks to a number of family members (you know who you are, but we don't want to make anyone blush) our girls went from Legoless (sounds like one of the characters from Lord of the rings.. oh.. I am wandering off..) to abounding with Legos!  After opening all of the gifts (and the pile was simply brimming over) the girls colored, stuffed their new handbags with goodies, put on a swipe of new lipgloss, paged through new books, and deconstructed toy packaging of a number of things.  Then we sat down, all 5 of us, together on the floor (beside the bag of wrapping paper leftovers that the King of the place collected and tied up).  Then we set to work.  E and I worked on the Bus, while L and Dad worked on the pizza parlor.  After a little instruction on how to read the directions (and by the way, Lego is GREAT with their directions!) everyone was putting pieces of Legos together and the beginning of a small town came together.  A was moderately interested in the Lego project, but found her new exciting Littlest Pet Shop toy MUCH more interesting. 

After that we had a short drive over to our new friends, the Perry's, home.  They had a passle (over 40, I think) friends and kids all together.   We ate and talked and laughed and had a wonderful time.  We had only planned on staying about 1 1/2 hours, but we were there for almost 4!  (Time flies...)

Upon returning home, the Lego projects were completed, we had a bite to eat, then the little ones were shuffled off to bed.  Mom and Dad sighed relief, looked outside, and it had just begun snowing.  Who could ask for anything more? 

Another wonderful Christmas here at the Happiest House on the Block!  Blessings to you and yours on this wonderful holiday!  May the peace of Christ be with you!

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