Its been so long and I have been so busy... but I wanted a new post in 2012, so here goes. I am still living.. Homeschooling is eating my lunch... and we are in our final year here (we sincerely hope!) because its looking like my dear sweet hubs will finish the PhD in 3 years (miracle made possible only by the grace of God...). We are eking every last bit of enjoying North Carolina out of our seasons - we picked more blueberries this summer than I know what to do with, we picked apples, went on hikes, and enjoyed all kinds of stuff only available here. We are hoping to get some snow this winter, in case we end up in a place where snow doesn't fall (I really hope we end up with at least a little snow, but who knows!). Exercise has become my new best friend. I love it. I look forward to it. I need it to help me manage stress. The girls like it too - even though I think they think 1 hour of bike riding at a local park while mom walks listening to books is a little much... they do it.
I am hoping when our life settles and my sweet hubs has a job that I won't feel the stress so much, but in the meantime, we plod on, trusting the Lord, watching Him provide, care for and keep us. He is good and we are needy.
Welcome fall!