Friday, November 12, 2010

Sweet Things - Thankfulness...

It is this time of year that we all begin to think about what we are thankful for.. in our house that means we cut construction paper into strips and begin our Thankfulness Chain.  I place our basket of supplies (pens, pencils, stapler, construction paper strips) in the middle of the dining room table and we all take a little time each day to write some of the things we are thankful for, on the strips.  Then we make our chain and the color and the thankfulness decorates our home.  It is a gentle reminder of all the blessings we have - from our pets, to each other, to a place to sleep and food to eat.. the list is endless and I am so grateful that we have saved the chains from previous years to read.. It is such fun to read about the baby being thankful for her bottle, or the big sister being thankful for her dolly... In all of this thankfulness I love that I pause and consider the many ways that God has blessed us.  We have a home.  We have enough to eat and a warm place to stay out of the cold.  But in the middle of all of the "things" we are thankful for, I am reminded again of the simple gift of walking with God.  That simple gift cost Jesus so much - and it is a blessing I am thankful for every day.

1 comment:

Amy Tilt said...

Hey Girl, haven't seen you in awhile but like your blog. What a great idea! Thanks for the suggestion!!