Saturday, September 18, 2010

Birthday Fun!

Our A had her birthday this last weekend - Wanted to post some photos of all the fun we had.  The day starts EARLY with all the presents being opened at breakfast (why not!?)..The FIRST present is always the BEST present ever given our our little ones' birthdays... a photo of them as babies.  They are the best gift and we want to be sure they know it!
L made some lovely slippers for sister.. she wears them every night and says "They keep my feet SO WARM!"   They are made of flannel, with fleece (like what you use for quilts) inside, and flannel lining.  Very warm and soft.  Highly popular.  \

E made a lovely bracelet and necklace set for sister.. mom and dad gave her a jewelry box, so they fit nicely inside the new box!

There were many other lovely gifts - clothes, some fun stories and toys, some cash (she's saving for her American Girl doll), a fancy little Strawberry shortcake doll, some hair dodads, fun cards, and things for horsin around... She felt very appreciated!  Thanks to all!

Then we headed out to church (where they sang Happy Birthday in BOTH children's church and Sunday School) and we had lunch at home.  The afternoon fun began with a scavenger hunt for the girls (thanks to Daddy!)... that ended up at goodie bags - can't have a party without goodie bags!

Then everyone came inside for pizza, soda, cake and ice cream (and yes, we all did have stomach aches afterward!)...