Thursday, November 3, 2011

Becoming Moms... Adopted and Naturally

This week we have had our friend come visit from Texas.  She was a lifeline for me when we dropped everything, quit our jobs, and relocated from Kansas, 10 years ago.  She had children who were grown, a husband who was retiring (and changing types of work - now he travels all the time) and loved to love people.  So, we filled a small empty spot that had formed in her life... and she filled a spot in ours.  We had so many things in common - we both stayed home with our kids, loved to craft and sew (she is SO MUCH MORE ACCOMPLISHED than I am at all that), and both have hearts to serve and love Jesus.  Over the last 10 years she helped me see the end of the tunnel of grad school (that first go round was tough!) and reminded me that babies aren't babies forever.  She watched our sweet girl when her first sister came along (and that was at Christmas time!) and made personal quilts for each little one.  She has stuck with us through moves and moves and moves... and this week she came to visit here in North Carolina and stayed with us.  We had a night out (she babysat the girls for us so we could get to dinner and smile at each other over a dimly lit table!) and she trekked all over town seeing the sights with us.  The funny thing is, she has become like a mother to me, in some ways, and I am so grateful for her wise council, ready help, and eager encouragement.  So she goes home to Texas today, and I feel sad because we haven't formed those kind of bonds here yet, and she has a unique quality to love that I wish I could learn better - and I think I will - but only after years of practice at loving people.  This visit brought with it the hope of some exciting news for my friend - and who knows what the next year will hold - but now that she is going home, I am missing her already, knowing that one of my spiritual mothers is heading back to her nest.  I am praying, as I write this, that I will be that kind of a mother to my girls when they are grown - an encouragement, an easy laugh, and hugs and wisdom, all with the space allowed so that they can be who God wants them to be, and shining in the light of the love and acceptance we have for them.... mostly because of the ability to trust a Father (sovereign and all loving, perfect and heavenly) who loves them more than I do to care for them better than I ever could. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

1 down 2 to go!

It has been a full year since we moved (well - almost).  We drove away from our apartment last year on July 22.  Here we are the next July and I can't believe it.  2 more years until hubby completes his degree (PhD) and we find out what the next step in our journey is.  What has changed this year?  Our oldest has gotten taller - she is past my shoulder and encroaching on my ear.  It is exciting and a little frightening all at once.  The only frightening part is that her tallness indicates we have less time with her at home... and that ends up being more sad than anything.  But we work hard to treasure every moment and trust God with all of it!  We have learned that a strict budget allows us to be creative - so when fish is on sale... we have fish for dinner!  We have also learned to value the wonderful programming of our local library.  This summer our limited budget has kept us from spending money to do things - so we are enjoying free writing classes for kids, art days, and science days at the library, as well as throwing ourselves into the joys of just being at the library (with its air conditioning, comfy chairs, and free computer access!).  The librarians are great gals (of all types of ages) and we are enjoying getting to know them.  Today I brought up the idea of them getting a die cut machine (which isn't really that expensive) to help them with the programming they do for kids.  I hope they get one - I would love to use it!  We have started all the kiddos in school - so we have a 1st grader, a 2nd grader and a 5th grader!  (I can't believe we have a 5th grader!)  The joy of having them is one of our favorites!  We have only one child in night time panties - another thing I was wondering if we would EVER have (there are days, with toddlers, that you wonder if you are going to get out of diapers... EVER).  This year our family has added a nephew (from Russia with love).  We have added a passle of new friends (something we weren't sure would happen!) and a new church (we love Christ Community Church).  Most of all our family has grown closer, we love each other more, and we treasure each day.  Tonight I sang "God is So Good" with my little one at bedtime... and He really is!