Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Note to the Buyer of our home...

Dear Buyer-

When you made your offer we were so thrilled... you promised us you didn't want to be one of THOSE buyers who haggle over every detail and scrape and claw to get as much as you could ... because you knew what you wanted - our house. We were so pleased. That was what we wanted, too, just to sell our house.

Then came the inspection. The inspector was great - thorough, complete.. he even stayed after the inspection to tell us what good condition the home was in. He told us how he glowed to you over the condition of the home - how he told you it was the best 10 year old home he had seen in a while - and how the colors were decorator chosen (HA - we just picked them ourselves). He suggested we have the windows repaired (which we weren't aware of problems with) and we sighed with relief - knowing that there was no big thing wrong with the house. Then came your list of demands. Replace the toilet flappers, trim the trees, and, oh by the way, get those doggone windows fixed - NOW!

This was not what you promised, but we wanted to get the house sold... so we offered you some cash and you took it. We were glad you took it because we didn't have time to find repairmen (that we would have to get, per your instructions) to do the minor things that needed to be done.

Then we cleaned and polished, disinfected and mopped, scrubbed, painted again in some places, and got the house ready for you. We even called the carpet cleaner to come out again, because he said if we had a few spots to take care of, he would do it for free... so he came and cleaned the carpet, and the stairs, too. We decided to offer you the refrigerator free - we can't take it to our new location and there isn't room in storage for it. You accepted. We were happy for you.

We removed everything from the house, made sure you had copies of all the paint colors, id numbers for all the parts and pieces and names of all the brands. We really wanted to be sure you had everything you needed to start off right in this new house. We left things that we thought you could use - like our hose roller, and the fireplace cleaning tools. We can't take them with us, and you will need them. We left lightbulbs that fit the lights - again we won't need them and they fit those lights. We were happy for you - that you were getting our house - and that you wanted to be in it so badly. It was a little weird how you drove by every day in a caravan of cars, just to see how it was going - but we chocked it up to you being excited.

Then came the walk through.

You decided to do it the day before closing - again we chocked that up to you being excited - and so we had everything ready.

We waited, had our dinner and were getting ready for bed. Then we go the call. You said "WHERE ARE THE CURTAINS!!!??? YOU TOOK DOWN THE CURTAINS???!!! How DARE you remove those curtians... that was practically the ONLY reason we wanted the house." (OK - my interpretation here might be a little strong, but it came off that way to me). "We AREN'T buying the place unless you return those curtains FIRST THING IN THE MORNING! We aren't signing ANYTHING unless you get us those curtains!"

We were shocked. You said you didn't want to go back and forth over little things - that you loved the house the way it was. You must be confused - every window in the house has window coverings - there were blinds in each one. We asked our realtor to let you know that the curtains were purchased to match OUR furnishings - and our colors - and our rugs and pillows... and that they were personal items to us. We had saved and scrimped and waited until we could get just what we wanted... and everything matched so nicely..and now you wanted the curtains.

Our relator was gracious - sensing our level of upset...and understanding that we had never intended to sell the curtains... she offered to buy the curtains from us. By the time she called back we had determined that it was unlikely that you would be reasonable about the curtains. So we took her offer. And we prayed for you - and we prayed for us - and we decided that if you were going to have to have the curtains, then you should have the other linens that matched them, too. So we gave you the matching items, in addition to the curtains.

It wasn't easy - but we feel like we did the right thing. And so I say to you - buyer of our home - when you sell that same home to someone else, someday... Be sure and let them have the curtains.

Thanks for buying our place - we are very grateful - we hope you enjoy the curtains...



Monday, March 15, 2010


We have just sold our home and moved into an apartment. Here I am surrounded by boxes. They are the physical reminder that we have a lot of junk! They also provide a picture to me of what my life is like, a lot of the time. When things are in boxes I don't think about them. They are packaged away nice and neat, and in a way they are "safe" there. I don't have to care for them or clean them... they are in a box. It is when I remove things from the boxes that they suddenly become what I have to deal with, live with, and take care of.

I am reminded of the fact that there are so many things that I choose to file away in the boxes of my heart and mind... problems I don't want to deal with, concerns I don't want to consider, and things that I would rather just not bother with, for the time being. But sometimes I just need to remove the items from the boxes and take care of them - there is stress when you are surrounded by boxes of uncared for things... and it is the same way when I leave emotional boxes around. I am realizing that my good Father is right beside me - and putting those things into those boxes isn't the right solution - I have to take them out and give them to Him. He can then care for them, repair what is broken, and get rid of what needs to just go away. So today I resolve to go through some of my boxes - both those in my living room, and those in my life. And I know that, with God here with me, I can take care of a few of the things I was "saving for later".

Ecclesiates 12:13-14...
13 Now all has been heard;
here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the whole duty of man.

14 For God will bring every deed into judgment,
including every hidden thing,
whether it is good or evil.